Project History
Woolworths in partnership with the Wayne family lodged a Development Application in July 2020 for a Woolworths supermarket at 110-120 Macquarie Road, Springwood.
Council undertook a review of the application and in September 2020 provided a detailed Request For Information that outlined their concerns with the design. In addition, Council also provided the project team a further letter in July 2021 that highlighted key concerns from the local community regarding the development. A number of changes were made however the DA was withdrawn in 2021 at the request of Council.
The project team has undertaken a rigorous design review process in order to understand how to best address the concerns raised by both Council and the local community.
This process was undertaken in various stages, as illustrated. The process has led to a design that addresses the key concerns raised during the assessment period and if approved, will provide substantial benefits to the Springwood community.
Peer review of the identified concerns
Finalistion of Plans
Testing of various redesign options
Creation of a design workshop
Changes to the consultant team to promote new design ideas
Various meetings with Council, and the Local Planning Panel
Engagement with key Stakeholders to understand concerns
Existing Site
110-112 Macquarie Road, Springwood
Previous DA
Lodged 2020, withdrawn 2021
Click to see how we have updated our plans