Our Updated Proposal

At Woolworths, we pride ourselves on being a respectful and good neighbour. We always seek to listen and collaborate with the communities we are privileged to operate within.

Following community consultation and review of submissions on our previous DA lodged in 2020, we have amended our plans to address the key concerns and more closely align with the desires of the community and Council.

Lets go through the changes:

The Blue Mountains Theatre and Community Hub (The Hub)

We’ve listened to feedback and have relocated the loading dock underground within the basement, with the entry off David Road - away from The Hub. We have relocated majority of the plant internally.

The current entry point off Macquarie Road has been realigned to improve curtilage to the hotel, but otherwise will operate as it does currently once the development opens. Loading for the hotel will operate as per the existing conditions.

Previous Scheme

Loading and plant beside The Hub

Proposed Scheme

Loading moved to basement, majority of plant moved to internally

Proposed Scheme - Section

Heritage - The Oriental Hotel

We are working with the Wayne family and with an experienced team, including a heritage specialist, to ensure the development integrates with and enhances The Oriental Hotel. The current proposal represents a restorative approach to the site, meeting the retail needs of the community while simultaneously preserving the hotels historical and architectural significance, ensuring it continues to tell a story for generations to come.

The development has been carefully designed to sit behind and below The Oriental Hotel to protect and maintain the views of the heritage item from Macquarie Road. Proposed works include:

  • Removal of intrusive structures such as the entry portico (circa 1990's), improving views of the heritage item.

  • Restoring the balconies to the Californian Bungalow style, reinstating the 1930's architecture

  • Reimagining and increasing the surrounding curtilage including beer gardens,and dining areas

  • Renewing the landscaping to better highlight the item

The previous scheme included no upgrades to the hotel.

Historic Image - 1930’s

Proposed Scheme

Proposed Scheme

Scaled back design

We have reduced the overall bulk and scale of the development by reducing the size and design of the entry canopy on Raymond Road. This is to ensure that the Oriental Hotel remains the prominent feature. The linear contemporary design more closely aligns with the design of the Blue Mountains Community Hub and allows the historic features of the Oriental Hotel to be highlighted. The updated design has been inspired by the architecture of the Macquarie Road retail strip.

Previous Scheme

Corner of Raymond and David Road looking towards Macquarie Road.

Proposed Scheme

Corner of Raymond and David Road looking towards Macquarie Road.

Previous Scheme

Entry off Raymond Road

Proposed Scheme

Entry off Raymond Road

Previous Scheme

David Road

Proposed Scheme

David Road

Improved Pedestrian Connectivity

Feedback indicated a greater focus was needed on the pedestrian connectivity and walkability within the precinct. The new plan seeks to strengthen and activate the southern and western sides of the precinct through the addition and relocation of crossings within the area. These works will make the area more inviting, help increase passing trade for local businesses and make it easier for people to walk around.

What we’re doing:

  • Addition of four new pedestrian crossings including across the northern part of Raymond Road, southern part of Raymond Road, Raymond Lane and David Roads to get customers safely into the development and to the surrounding businesses and childcare facilities on the western and southern sides of the site.

  • Relocation of the current Macquarie Road pedestrian crossing adjacent to The Ori further west to allow for a more convenient path of travel from the northern side of Macquarie Road

  • Improvement of pedestrian connectivity through the development and the proposed carparks

  • Planting more trees, new garden beds and signage

Contact us about this proposal