Frequently Asked Questions
The Springwood Town Centre Master Plan 2015 identified the need for expanding the supermarket provision and retail offering in Springwood to meet the current and future demands of the population.
The Visitor Economy, Retail and Employment Studies report commissioned by Blue Mountains Council in June 2019 noted the importance of providing a full line supermarket to help retain spending in the Springwood Town Centre. The report also notes that the provision of all supermarkets greater than 400sqm is substantially below the GLA per 1000 population benchmarks, highlighting an inherent need for a supermarket in the Springwood area
No, the site is owned by the Wayne family. Woolworths are working closely with the owners to develop the site.
The updated scheme mitigates any potential acoustic impacts to The Hub by locating the loading dock in the basement and moving plant and condensers internally. Those plant items that are required to be located outside have been located at the rear of the site. A comprehensive acoustic report has been submitted with the DA.
We anticipate that the new supermarket take approximately 15 to 18 months to construct. A construction management plan will be developed to govern the construction activities. Woolworths will work closely with surrounding neighbours, businesses and The Hub to minimise impact of the works.
The Proposal
As Springwood is well catered by convenience-style retail, our plans include a Woolworths comparable to Katoomba Woolworths to provide greater choice and the opportunity for fresh food and daily needs, closer to home, rather than driving outside of the area to meet this need.
No, this store is proposed to be a full line store.
The building plans make space for a Woolworths and one independent specialty retailer.
The main pedestrian entry into the site is proposed on Raymond Road, thus proposal includes additional pedestrian crossings on Raymond Road and David Road to facilitate safe and efficient access into the site. The existing pedestrian crossing on Macquarie Road will be relocated east on Macquarie Road, closer to the roundabout to allow for better connectivity to businesses on the Northern side of Macquarie Road. Refer to “Our updated proposal” for a connectivity map.
The proposed opening hours will be determined during assessment of the Development Application (DA), however, it is likely that opening hours will be 7am to 10pm
The Oriental Hotel
Woolworths respects the important historic elements of the Oriental Hotel, and its listing as a locally significant building. A heritage consultant has assessed the plans and made recommendations to ensure the hotel is preserved and respected. A Statement of Heritage Impact will be submitted as part of the development application.
Woolworths have worked closely with the owners of the hotel and heritage consultants to develop a scheme that respects, maintains and improves the historic item and surrounding site. It is proposed to restore the facade of the hotel to the 1930’s Californian bungalow style, removal of the intrusive 1990’s elements along the Macquarie Road facade, construction of a new entry point at the rear and restoration and improvement of the outdoor beer garden areas.
It is proposed that the Ori will remain open throughout the construction and renovation, with every effort will be made to reduce disruption. Following completion of the works, pub patrons will be able to use the new car park and rear entry to access the hotel more easily. The driveway from Macquarie Rd will remain as the access to the pub car park.
Traffic and Parking
Our plans include around 160 parking spaces located below ground for the supermarket and above ground for the hotel. The new car spaces will support patrons of the Oriental Hotel and customers shopping at Woolworths, along with benefitting the existing shops and services on and around Macquarie Road.
The entry for customer vehicles will be off Macquarie Road and David Road.
The access route to the underground loading dock for deliveries and waste collection is proposed via David Road, beside the Blue Mountains Community Hub loading dock.
A 12.5m truck is proposed for the site. This is smaller than the 19m truck that is used to deliver to large full-line stores.
An extensive traffic report has been submitted with the DA.
No, at this stage no time limit is proposed.